Thursday, May 08, 2008

Friendly Boston!

My family and I took a trip this past weekend to Tampa. There were two nice and helpful people at the Boston Logon airport (not so nice in Tampa! :-( ) So I thought I'd take the time to mention it.

First, when we arrived at Logon airport we were informed we over packed one of our bags.. Apparently there is a 50 pound limit (I wonder where that is posted?) At any rate the person checking us in gave us a "warning" about the weight. She was extremely helpful and nice. Recommending that we purchase another bag in Tampa and shift some weight around. Which we did.. But just not enough. We were over by 16 pounds in Boston and over by 6 in Tampa. Those 6 pounds amounted to an 80$ fine in Tampa.

Second, our return flight from Tampa to Boston was over an hour late and our ride needed to get someone else. So we had about 45 minutes to "waste" at Logon. As we walked towards a map with that "confused" look on our face a friendly "sky cabby" approached us. He helped us locate a restaurant in another terminal. He even fetched us a luggage cart (free of charge!!). Helpful and friendly. Two things people don't associate with Boston.

Its good to be home...


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